House debates

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Questions without Notice

Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice

2:46 pm

Photo of Linda BurneyLinda Burney (Barton, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Robertson for his question. He, like every person on this side of the House, understands the issue of equity. Life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can and should be better. The gaps in life expectancy and educational outcomes persist, and that is unacceptable.

Decades of failed government policies have not worked. A voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is the best chance we have, and perhaps ever will have, to address the injustices of the past and create change that will deliver a better future—a better future that will improve the lives of Indigenous Australians, on the ground, in practical ways, like health, education and housing. This isn't about more bureaucracy, this is about making sure voices in remote and regional communities are heard. The Uluru Statement from the Heart is the result of 12 regional dialogues, after all, over 1,200 attendees from right across this country. This isn't about dividing people, it's about uniting Australians, giving First Nations people a say in the matters that affect us, not being told what's best by bureaucrats.

I grew up in Whitton, down in the Riverina, a small country town. I was raised by Billy and Nina. They were my great aunt and uncle. We didn't have much, and I didn't know my dad until I was 27. Billy and Nina taught me the value of respect, and being kind to others doesn't cost you anything, and that you learn more from listening than by talking. That someone with my history can stand in this place is the most unlikely thing—but not everyone is so lucky. Not everyone can have their voice heard. That's why we need a voice. An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice is an idea whose time has come.

The Australian people will decide this referendum, not politicians, and I have faith in the Australian people. We want to take Australia forward for everyone. We'll work with anyone who wants to take this journey forward to a better future.


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