House debates
Thursday, 9 March 2023
Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022; Second Reading
1:21 pm
Max Chandler-Mather (Griffith, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source
and in public and affordable housing, and that the life of every Australian is improved over the next 10 years as we transition out of coal and gas. It would be great, by the way, as the member for McNamara continues to laugh and chuckle through this without thinking about the consequences to the members of his electorate, if, at the next election, he could explain to the members of his electorate why he supports the opening of new coal and gas mines, and why he supports the opening of new coal and gas mines by massive multinational corporations that have donated to the Labor Party.
I think the question that Australians need to start asking is: who are they represented by in this place? The decisions that both major parties make, time and again, on climate change benefit the bottom line of their major corporate donors and not the material lives of the millions of Australians who are crying out for a government that actually starts to represent their interests.
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