House debates

Wednesday, 24 May 2023


Defence Legislation Amendment (Naval Nuclear Propulsion) Bill 2023; Second Reading

6:00 pm

Photo of Matt ThistlethwaiteMatt Thistlethwaite (Kingsford Smith, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

WAITE (—) (): I thank all members who contributed to this important debate on the Defence Legislation Amendment (Naval Nuclear Propulsion) Bill 2023. Australia is in one of the most dynamic geostrategic regions in the world. The Defence Strategic Review was a major investigation into our nation's defence posture, force and preparedness. The government's response prompted our Defence Force's first re-tasking in over 35 years. We've also identified six priority areas for response to the Defence Strategic Review, and our first priority area is to develop conventionally armed nuclear powered submarine capabilities. This is a significant undertaking for our nation and the Australian Defence Force, and this bill is an important first step in realising that aim.

The bill clarifies that the moratorium on civil nuclear power, as described under the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, does not apply to conventionally armed nuclear powered submarines. The amendments made by this bill will enable existing regulators to perform their functions and duties, if and when called upon, in support of Australia's acquisition of conventionally armed nuclear powered submarines and their supporting infrastructure. This is a significant undertaking for our nation and it requires leadership and support within this parliament.

I thank the opposition for supporting this bill and I recognise the statements made by the shadow minister in his contribution to this debate, particularly his indication that the coalition support this bill in full and without amendment. We look forward to working with the opposition and indeed all members of parliament on this and future tranches of important AUKUS-related legislation. I commend the bill to the House.

Question agreed to.

Bill read a second time.

Ordered that this bill be reported to the House without amendment.


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