House debates

Thursday, 1 June 2023


Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2023-2024, Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2023-2024, Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2023-2024; Second Reading

10:00 am

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I stand before you with great pride and excitement to share the remarkable achievement of the Albanese Labor government. As we celebrate our first anniversary of forming the Albanese Labor government and my first year of being the member for Tangney, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief as I address you all, for I have witnessed a remarkable transformation in the hearts and minds of those I serve. Just a few weeks before the budget announcement, I went doorknocking in my electorate, and the despair and frustration that came from my constituents really affected me. What they said echoed the same feeling as though one were crying for help. It was a desperate plea for change. For far too long, the unaffordability of health care has cast a dark shadow upon the lives of our fellow Australians. After a once-in-100-year pandemic that changed the world for many, the rising cost of living, coupled with rising medical fees, had created a barrier between those in need and the essential care they sought. I listened attentively as they shared their stories of financial strain, recounting the many painful decisions they were forced to make. To choose between putting food on the table and seeking medication or medical attention was an unthinkable predicament, yet it plagued the lives of countless individuals and families in my electorate of Tangney. But today I stand here with renewed hope and unwavering pride, for many of my constituents' pleas have been heard.

The recent federal budget announcement is the largest ever investment into bulk-billing in the history of Medicare, an historic $3.5 billion investment that will triple the bulk billing incentive and give an immediate injection to support patients and general practice, strengthening the heart of Medicare. For my electorate of Tangney, it provides an immediate benefit to 73,772 constituents: 31,164 people under the age of 16 and 42,608 concession cardholders will all get bulked-billed care, thanks to this multibillion-dollar investment. Imagine the relief and peace of mind this will bring to families across our nation. No longer will parents have to think twice about taking their child to the doctor when they fall ill, fearing the financial strains it may cause. No longer will seniors have to choose between their necessary medication and putting food on the table. No longer will individuals with low incomes delay seeking medical attention until their condition worsens. This investment will transform the lives of millions of Australians, as I know it will in Tangney, ensuring that they can access timely health care without the risk of financial stress.

As I reflect upon my most recent doorknocking, which was just last weekend, I want to share with you all the change in my constituents' disposition. The same individuals who once wore expressions of despair now bear smiles of gratitude and hope. They have eagerly shared their relief with me, recounting the new-found peace that comes with the knowledge that health care is no longer a luxury but a right accessible to all. My constituents' positive feedback is not merely because of monetary investment but because it represents a profound shift in our nation's priorities. Health care is a fundamental right, not a privilege reserved for the fortunate few. It reflects our society's compassion, fairness and commitment to the wellbeing of every individual in Australia.

Unfortunately, bulk-billing has been on a sharp decline for the past nine years. The neglect of the previous government towards Medicare has made it increasingly difficult for every Australian to afford basic medical services. Coupled with the increasing cost of living, financial barriers have hindered many Australians from receiving the health care they need. This significant allocation of investment into bulk-billing demonstrates the Albanese Labor government's unwavering commitment to improving the life of all Australians and ensuring access to quality health care, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

The effective planning and compassionate decision by the Albanese Labor government to take a practical measure to break down those barriers and build a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system has been welcomed by many of my constituents. GPs who operate local medical clinics in my electorate wrote to me to welcome this long-awaited investment in bulk-billing. Medical clinics that were on the cusp of not providing bulk-billing services are now planning to restore their bulk-billing program. Bulk-billing has long been the cornerstone of Medicare, providing Australians with the opportunity to receive medical treatment without any out-of-pocket expenses. However, we recognise that more needs to be done to ensure that this essential service reaches every corner of our nation and benefits all Australians, regardless of their financial status. With this unprecedented investment we are expanding the scope of bulk-billing, allowing more providers to offer their services with no additional cost to patients.

Through this funding boost, the Albanese Labor government will also increase rebates by more in a single year than the former government did in seven years. On top of increasing the investment in bulk-billing, we are investing a $1.5 billion indexation boost to every single Medicare rebate, which increases the amount that your doctor receives for every single Medicare service, reducing the pressure on GPs to charge you more to get the health care you need. By doing so, we are ensuring that every Australian, regardless of their socioeconomic background, can seek medical care when they need it without the burden of worrying about how they will pay for it.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the hardworking Minister for Health and Aged Care, who, despite inheriting a health care system that was underfunded and neglected rose to the occasion, with unwavering determination. To the Minister for Health: I commend you for your tireless efforts in the face of unprecedented challenges. You navigated our nation's health system through the recovery from the pandemic and, as we emerged on the other side, you have laid the foundation for a revival of the pride of our health care system—Medicare. Your commitment to the wellbeing of all Australians, your unwavering dedication to improving access to quality care and your vision for a thriving healthcare sector have been truly commendable.

It is through the leadership of the Albanese Labor government that we stand here today witnessing the dawn of a new era of Medicare. But this investment goes beyond just improving access to health care. It represents the Albanese Labor government's belief in the power of unity and compassion. It demonstrates our commitment to building a society where no-one is left behind, where everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. It signifies our collective understanding that the wellbeing of one Australian is intricately linked to the wellbeing of all Australians. The investment into bulk-billing is the Albanese Labor government's stand against inequality in health care. One year has passed since we were entrusted to represent and serve Australians. Affordable health care was one of the biggest concerns raised during the election. I'm honoured to stand here today, one year later, to say how very proud I am of my team, my colleagues and the Albanese Labor government.

I stand before you here today not only as a member of parliament but also as a parent who has experienced firsthand the profound impact of Medicare on the lives of everyday Australians. It is with a grateful heart that I share my personal journey, for it serves as a reminder of the importance of accessible health care and the transformative power of a system designed to put people before profit. In 2006 and 2008 my own daughter faced the unimaginable battle against cancer. The weight of that burden was overwhelming, and in those dark moments my family found solace and strength in the knowledge that we could focus solely on her recovery without the added worry of the potential cost of medical expenses.

Medicare, born out of the vision and compassion of the Labor government, became a consolation for my family. The relief my wife and I felt knowing that our daughter's treatment was covered, that we could solely concentrate on her wellbeing, is indescribable. We were spared the anguish of having to navigate through the financial constraints of medical bills while also struggling with the challenge of my daughter's illness. It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I stand here today knowing that the very system that saved my daughter's life will now be revived and allowed to thrive under a Labor government. As we move forward, let us remember that there is more work to be done for health care and that the Albanese Labor government is working hard to make repairs to Medicare, which was so weakened due to the severe neglect by the previous government.

There are still many hurdles to get through, many lives to be touched and many more stories of hope and gratitude to be shared. It is our duty as representatives of the people of Australia to ensure that the legacy of Medicare endures and its benefit reaches every corner of our nation. Through this budget we have sent a clear message that in our country your socioeconomic status will never be a barrier to receiving the care you deserve. We acknowledge that a healthier Australia is a stronger Australia. We are determined to build a future where good health is within reach for every individual regardless of their circumstances. As we embark on this transformative journey, let us remember that the true strength of a nation lies not in its wealth or power but in its compassion and care for its own people. Thank you, and may this historic investment pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for all Australians.


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