House debates
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Public Works Joint Committee; Report
12:13 pm
Graham Perrett (Moreton, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
On behalf of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, I present the committee's report No. 4 of 2023: Airservices Australiaaviation rescue fire fighting facilities, navigation aids and digital aerodrome services project, Western Sydney International Airport.
Report made a parliamentary paper in accordance with standing order 39(e).
by leave—This report considers a proposal, referred in March, from Airservices Australia for the development of aviation rescue firefighting facilities, navigation aids and digital aerodrome services at the new and very impressive Western Sydney International Airport. The total cost of the proposed project is $98.9 million. The works have three components, with the first being the aviation rescue firefighting facilities. The proposal is to construct a category 10 facility to accommodate predicted air traffic levels and the runway's capacity to handle a range of aircraft sizes. The facility also includes a hot fire training ground, which will have the capacity to support firefighter training in the use of hot fires, tactical positioning and application of extinguishing agents. The navigational aids component of the project includes the installation of airfield navigational and surveillance equipment and infrastructure. This includes footings, equipment shelters, communication towers and service connections, and incorporates a new fibre-optic and communications network.
The final component of the proposal includes the design, fabrication and installation of the digital aerodrome services, or DAS, system. This system will allow air traffic control services to be provided remotely. The installation includes fibre-optic cable from the camera mast to connect to the Airservices communication network, something quite common around the world. Cameras will be installed at the top of the mast to capture a 360-degree view of the airfield, and images will be relayed to a DAS operations facility, located offsite. The offsite DAS operations facility will include an air traffic control operations room capable of meeting the required aviation security obligations.
The committee understands that the proposed works are a critical enabling element for the opening of the airport, which is scheduled for December 2026. The committee would like to thank personnel from Airservices Australia and Western Sydney Airport Corporation for facilitating a site inspection at Badgerys Creek. The visit gave members of the committee an opportunity to understand the layout of the airport and how this project fits into the future operation of Western Sydney international airport. The committee recommends that it is expedient for the proposed work to be carried out. I commend the report to the House.
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