House debates

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Statements by Members

Work Experience

1:38 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I want to take a moment in this chamber to highlight the contribution of Charlotte, a talented young woman who undertook work experience in my electorate office in Chisholm last week. Charlotte's a bright young student at Presbyterian Ladies' College in Burwood, which is just across the road from my electorate office. Work experience is a really important part of a student's development. It is crucial to their personal and professional development, giving young people the chance to experience firsthand what it's like to work, enabling them to explore potential career options and make decisions about their future, and we know that work experience also enables students to explore their interests and passions. I was so delighted to be able to help facilitate this experience for Charlotte.

Charlotte displayed an impressive level of organisation and attention to detail well beyond her years. Her assistance in updating community databases, media monitoring and collation of mail-out information was incredibly valuable to our office's efficiency and effectiveness in serving our community of Chisholm. Her work ethic and proactive approach meant that our staff faced the challenge of continually finding new tasks for her to assist with. She consistently went above and beyond, seeking ways to contribute further and make a meaningful impact. Charlotte was provided with a copy of the standing orders, which she eagerly embraced and read to cover to cover, which I'm not sure everyone in this place has done! I would like to wish Charlotte and other students undertaking work experience their absolute best for the future, and I thank Charlotte for her contribution.


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