House debates

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Matters of Public Importance


3:24 pm

Photo of Anne AlyAnne Aly (Cowan, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Early Childhood Education) Share this | Hansard source

Surprise, surprise indeed. Strange bedfellows, might I say. Those opposite did nothing about giving families choice; we increased paid parental leave so that mothers and fathers could stay at home with their children in those first vital six months of their lives. Those opposite increased the cost of university degrees; what did we do? We made more university places available and provided fee-free TAFE for thousands of Australians across the nation. I had the great pleasure of meeting some early childhood education and care students at Swinburne TAFE with the fabulous new member there. They were saving thousands on their degrees in early childhood education and care.

Those opposite failed to land a single energy policy, whereas on this side, as the Minister for Climate Change and Energy mentioned in question time, our changes—which they voted against—will deliver an average of $819 of fee relief on electricity prices for families and households, as well as for small business. Those opposite failed to establish a national anticorruption body, something that they promised for three years. It took them three years where they kept promising it, and then they failed to deliver it at all. We're delivering on that promise, and I look forward to when that body is established.

Those opposite froze the Medicare rebate. We all know what they want to do with Medicare. We all know that their hearts are not in Medicare. What we do know is Medicare is a Labor government legacy and we will always protect it. We have slashed the cost of medicines. We've increased the GP rebate. And we have delivered $100 million saved by Australians on the cost of their medicines.

I note that it's reported in the media that in their caucus meeting today the Leader of the Opposition urged his party to appear to be more compassionate. I would hope that every single member that comes into this place comes here with compassion. It's reported in the media. I would hope that every single person comes here with compassion for their electorate, but, hey, good luck doing that.


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