House debates

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Statements by Members

Australian Constitution: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

1:46 pm

Photo of Jerome LaxaleJerome Laxale (Bennelong, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

As the 'yes' campaign continues, I'd like to share a poem sent to me by Bennelong constituent Josephine Hatch from Epping. She wrote this poem to encourage people to vote yes and get involved in the campaign: 'Australia is having a referendum. It's about a voice and recognition. It confirms terra nullius was untrue and gives First Nations people a mission. To advise and help the parliament, to make decisions about their needs. Put their point of view to politicians. It's important the referendum succeeds. It will put right the historic wrong. The constitution will have new words that reflect the truth of the matter that the idea the land was empty was patently absurd. The Voice will give informed opinions about First Nations needs and priorities. The Voice will speak to parliament. It has no power beyond advice. The parliament will make the decisions, now better informed by that Voice. So don't be afraid to vote yes. The world will not come to an end. You'll be helping First Nations people. It's a chance to make amends.'

Well said, Josephine. To all out there, particularly to those in Bennelong who want the referendum to succeed, I'd encourage you all to join your local 'yes' campaign, to volunteer to doorknock, to do street stalls, letterboxes and phone banks. Having these individual conversations will cut through the absolute garbage that those opposite put to us each and every day.


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