House debates

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Questions without Notice

Makarrata Commission

2:10 pm

Photo of Linda BurneyLinda Burney (Barton, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Mr Speaker. Members of the Voice will be chosen by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in their local areas and serve for a fixed period. It is about recognition and it is about listening. In the words of NRL legend Johnathan Thurston, from North Queensland:

Our young people deserve the chance to be their best … I've seen the obstacles they face. Nobody understands that better than their local community. Giving them a say will mean more of our kids reach their potential. That's what the Voice is about.

So I say to Australians: vote 'yes' for unity, for hope and to make a positive difference.

An opposition member interjecting


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