House debates

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Statements by Members

Facing North 2023

1:55 pm

Photo of Luke GoslingLuke Gosling (Solomon, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Well, the Territory has arrived in Canberra. Tonight is Facing North, the showcase of the magnificent Northern Territory here in the Australian Capital Territory. I want to acknowledge my NT colleagues, Chief Minister Natasha Fyles, Paul Kirby and former chief minister Michael Gunner. We have captains of industry and leaders from Darwin, Palmerston and all through the Territory who have come down as part of Facing North. Facing North is to say to all of you, 'Look to the north!' That's where the opportunity is, that's where our national security is safeguarded, and that's where our future economic security will be continually safeguarded. We don't grow apples up there, but we grow mangoes and plenty of them.

We invite you all to face north with us and to the great opportunity that is there in the north. We'll have great food there tonight. To all the members of the House and to the senators that may be watching: you're invited to go along to the Great Hall tonight. Please, come and experience some of our culture; come and hear from the PM and the Leader of the Opposition. They know, and all honourable members understand in their gut, that the Northern Territory is key to the future of our great country along with our partners in the north, in WA and in Queensland. It's going to be a great night, so come along!


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