House debates

Monday, 7 August 2023

Statements by Members

Watson, Hon. Judyth, OAM

4:22 pm

Photo of Josh WilsonJosh Wilson (Fremantle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm glad to have the opportunity to reflect on the political and moral leadership and on the unstinting community work of the honourable Judyth Watson OAM, who died last month. Jude served in the WA parliament for a decade, first as the member for Canning in 1986 and then representing the seat of Kenwick. She served in the Lawrence government as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs and Minister Assisting the Minister for Women's Interests.

Judyth Watson trained and served as a nurse and later undertook a PhD on the question of workers' compensation. She made an important contribution to new policy on occupational health and safety during the Hawke government. After politics, Jude continued to make a significant difference through her varied work and advocacy in the cause of social justice. She was a founding member of the Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees, CARAD, which does vital work to this day. She later served as secretary of the Refugee Council of Australia.

I was always personally glad for Jude's friendship and encouragement. She was persistent, good humoured, big hearted and wise. In her first speech to the Western Australian parliament, she said:

Equity is not an event but a process with the potential for far-reaching change, not least of which is an increasing community commitment of the process.

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… people should be participants and partners in Government and fair and equal sharers in the wealth and opportunities that this nation can offer.

Hear hear and vale, Judyth Watson


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