House debates

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Questions without Notice

Uluru Statement from The Heart

2:22 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the deputy leader for continuing to ask questions about this conspiracy that's been out there for a long period of time. Megan Davis said: 'There's been a lot of news this week that the Uluru statement is 26 pages long, but it's one page. That's the statement. That is what we issued to the Australian people.' Indeed, this conspiracy has been around for a while. There was an ABC News Fact Check article headed—and I wonder who they got this off: 'Pauline Hanson claims list of Indigenous "demands" found via FOI shows "dangers" of a Voice to Parliament. What's actually in the documents?' I table the RMIT ABC Fact Check from 21 April 2023 that found that it was a nonsense. I table the AAP FactCheck article headed 'Email misleads with "secret voice documents" claim' from 21 April 2023. But here, in August, they reheat a conspiracy theory based on absolute nonsense. This is what one of their friends has had to say:

The very documents Credlin has been highlighting, has been claiming are secret, have been public all along … Not new, not hidden, not a secret statement. They are not proof of some bizarre—


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