House debates
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Questions without Notice
2:04 pm
Julie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source
I want to thank the member for Robertson for that question. He understands how important the Housing Australia Future Fund will be, as do many members in this place—members on this side and members of the crossbench over there. It is important because it will actually provide a pipeline of funding to help build social and affordable housing right across this country. The fact that it is there not just for a few years but in perpetuity is important to provide confidence to the sector and, importantly, confidence for Australians who need homes the most. This will change housing in Australia. It will change the lives of people who are waiting for social and affordable housing in this country, not just for now but for generations. We've heard from the sector about the difference this will make on the ground. Master Builders have said:
The Housing Australia Future Fund legislation is a vital piece in the housing puzzle by encouraging investment in the social and community housing sector.
Kate Colvin from Homelessness Australia said that the homes delivered through the Housing Australia Future Fund will each make an enormous difference to the people who would otherwise be homeless. Her comments were echoed by Emma Greenhalgh, the CEO of National Shelter, who said, 'The passage of these laws is critically important.'
I want to take this opportunity again to thank all in the sector, whether it be the community housing sector, the homelessness service sector or the building and construction sector, because they understand how important this bill and our broader housing agenda are to the parliament and to the people of Australia. We know how hard they work, day in and day out, whether it be on the front line or whether it be getting up homes for Australians that need them most.
This fund is part of our broad housing agenda, whether it be our $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator, whether it be the Housing Australia Future Fund or the Housing Accord, or whether it be our build-to-rent changes, our Commonwealth rent assistance changes or the additional funding for financing for more social and affordable homes. We have investments right across the housing spectrum from homelessness services to public and social housing, to rental housing right up to improving homeownership. Right across the housing spectrum we are investing for Australians that need it most.
The Housing Australian Future Fund passing the parliament is critically important because it's important for those people that need it most. It's important for older women at risk of homelessness, important for women and children fleeing family and domestic violence and important for the veterans who need housing—who need a safe space to stay at night. This legislation will change lives for thousands of Australians. I look forward to its passage and continuing to work for Australians so that more Australians have a safe, affordable place to call home.
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