House debates
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Questions without Notice
2:09 pm
Jim Chalmers (Rankin, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source
I appreciate the question from the member for Blair. There's no harder working local member than the member for Blair, representing the suburbs of Ipswich and the communities surrounding. The member for Blair is part of a government that takes the big issues in our economy and our society seriously. There is no bigger challenge than the inflation challenge in our economy, and housing is a big part of that. That's why it is so important that the Housing Australia Future Fund will pass this parliament. Inflation is moderating in our economy, but it is still too high. That's why our highest priority as a government is to take some of the edge off the inflationary pressures in our economy without making those pressures worse. That's why we are rolling out billions of dollars of relief for Australians right around the country—energy bill relief, increases in government payments, dealing with some of the out-of-pocket health costs that people confront, getting wages moving again and making it easier to work more and earn more by making early childhood education cheaper.
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