House debates
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Questions without Notice
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice
2:31 pm
Milton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source
Order! Resume your seat. I just want to be clear for everyone what the process is. There are questions to the Speaker around the administration of the House. The time to do that is at the end of question time. This was not about the administration of the House. The Leader of the House is seeking a withdrawal of a statement that the Leader of the Opposition made regarding a question.
The member for Solomon and the member for Wills are now warned. This is not a laughing matter. The question did contain a statement. I'm not sure of whether that statement was accurate or not, but the Leader of the House has indicated that the minutes indicate that it's a different statement. But if I am to adjudicate on every question or every statement that is made regarding whether it's accurate or not—I'm not in a place to do that. But I just want to be clear: if people are asking questions, they're entitled to do so. I just ask them to be accurate and make sure they are not misleading in terms of any other statement that the member has made. I'm just going to move to the next question.
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