House debates

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Questions without Notice

Albanese Government

2:02 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

He went on radio and accused the AEC of rigging the referendum, when the rules have been in place since the Howard government—exactly the same. And yesterday, in a tour de force, he actually tried to verbal the Minister for Indigenous Affairs on the very same day that it had occurred, and it is in Hansard. He went on, and of course he said that Alan Joyce had had dinner at the Lodge in Kirribilli, when the last time he was there was under Prime Minister Morrison. This is what he had to say about Qantas: 'Qantas is an iconic Australian brand. All of us have pride in seeing the success of the company. Alan Joyce is an exceptional CEO. I know Alan Joyce. He is exceptional both professionally and personally.' It's like this guy just says one thing, whatever is convenient at the time. Whatever is convenient at the time, and he never actually stands up for Australia's interests. (Time expired)

Honourable members interjecting


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