House debates

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Questions without Notice

Uluru Statement from the Heart

2:09 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

Once again, what we see from the nature of this question is that it suggests that opinions should happen in a vacuum. What we campaigned for, I said very clearly, was to listen to First Australians about matters that affect them. If those opposite think that we should not listen to Indigenous Australians about matters that affect them at all, then they should say so. Of course, we know that that is the case. This is an absolute demonstration once again that the Leader of the Opposition has nothing positive to offer the country. He is all about saying no and opposing change. Yesterday, of course, we saw him change his position between Sunrise and the Today show. It's been on and off again. Of course, when it comes to the issue of Indigenous affairs, which is certainly relevant, we know that the Leader of the Opposition found the apology to stolen generations so objectionable that he walked out. He couldn't even stay seated there. Of all the 151 members in this House, there's only one person who walked out, and he sits in the Leader of the Opposition's chair.

Honourable members interjecting


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