House debates

Monday, 13 November 2023

Statements by Members

Youth Voice in Parliament Week

4:13 pm

Photo of Kate ChaneyKate Chaney (Curtin, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

As part of Raise Our Voice in parliament, I'll deliver a speech on youth mental health written by a member of my Curtin youth advisory group. Saskia Laurence from St Mary's wrote:

"Am I good enough?" was a question I often presented myself with when growing up.

When I went to seek help the next question was, "Am I a burden?"

The view of mental health given to me growing up affected my ability to reach out and this cycle is never-ending.

The statistics surrounding youth mental health are alarming:

      Youth mental health cannot be addressed through quick fixes. It requires a comprehensive approach including prevention, early intervention, and long-term support.

      We need to recognize that mental health challenges are not a personal failing, but a societal issue.

      Young people are facing an unprecedented level of stress and pressure—from social media, academic expectations and family and community dynamics.

      We need to address the root causes of these issues and prioritize access to mental health services for young people, by investing in mental health infrastructure, programs, initiatives and professionals.

      To provide for our youth means to provide for our future.

      I thank Saskia for raising this important issue and I will continue to advocate for better mental health supports for young people.


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