House debates

Monday, 13 November 2023

Statements by Members

Swan Electorate: Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridge

4:44 pm

Photo of Zaneta MascarenhasZaneta Mascarenhas (Swan, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

A new gateway is active, connecting Vic Park and Perth forever. This is what the new causeway pedestrian and cycling bridge will do. At the moment, about 3,000 pedestrians and cyclists cross the Swan River daily. Today there are about 100 people working on the fabrication of this bridge. It's a jointly funded project between the WA Labor government and the federal government, and it's coming to life right now at Civmec's workshop in Henderson.

Two weeks ago, I joined the Premier and Deputy Premier in WA—that's Roger Cook and Rita Saffioti. We went down to Civmec's workshop, and it was bloody big and really impressive. It was a bit like Disneyland for me. Of course, I am the daughter of a metalworker. You should have seen the pride of the metalworkers and the welders. This bridge is an example of 'if we can build it here, we should build it here', especially if it's government infrastructure—WA manufacturing and WA jobs.

Fifteen years ago, when I was in Henderson, these workshops were empty. When I was there two weeks ago, the workshops were full and were a buzz of activity. This is what Labor governments do. This bridge will fill workshops, create jobs, attract skilled workers and foster a homegrown industry. The design of the bridge is very impressive such that it has become a finalist in the We Ride Australia Cycling Luminaries Awards.


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