House debates

Monday, 13 November 2023


Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Small Business Redundancy Exemption) Bill 2023; First Reading

1:04 pm

Photo of Andrew WallaceAndrew Wallace (Fisher, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I appreciate that, Minister. If this bill passes today, it will provide assistance to everyday working Australians, not just in the construction sector but particularly in the construction sector where people are hurting badly. They're not just hurting because businesses are failing. They're hurting because electricity has gone through the roof. They're hurting because rent has gone through the roof. Everything is up. The reality is that businesses are regrettably, very sadly, falling over, and none so more than in the construction sector. So I call upon the minister to reach deep, deep into his soul and heart and try and convince his colleagues, none of whom have spoken on this today—not one has spoken on this today.

The minister can be very eloquent. Hopefully, I will get a chance to repeat his words to him very shortly. He can be very eloquent. I know that he can bring his colleagues around to support this bill because I know that in his heart of hearts, however hard it is to reach down there, he does believe in the importance of looking after workers and that this bill will provide assistance where, if it doesn't pass, it may not.

The reality is that we can do this today. My understanding is that, if we don't do this today, we're talking about next year at the earliest. What about all of those businesses that are failing between now and next year? What about all of those employees who could potentially miss out on redundancy payments? It makes absolutely no sense for the government to stand on—I don't know what they're standing on on this issue, to be quite honest—other than politics.

I call upon the minister, I call upon the prime minister and I call on every single member opposite: don't play politics with this issue. Remember the workers and remember your union members who will ultimately be impacted. They will suffer if you don't agree to this today. It's very simple. There's no contention here. You supported these provisions. You introduced these provisions. You should support them today to provide assistance to everyday working Australians today.


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