House debates

Monday, 13 November 2023

Questions without Notice

Middle East

2:15 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The transcript of yesterday's interview says that she did not say that. What the Minister for Foreign Affairs spoke about was perfectly consistent with the motion that was moved in this parliament that was supported by the opposition on the floor of this parliament and that, indeed, we continue to support. I think it provides a principled way of moving forward. It stated that the House 'unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas'. It asserted 'Israel's right to defend itself'. It also called for the 'immediate and unconditional release of all hostages'. It condemned antisemitism. It went on to recognise that 'Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people, nor their needs and aspirations'. It acknowledged the 'devastating loss of Israeli and Palestinian life and that innocent civilians on all sides are suffering as a result of the attacks by Hamas and the subsequent conflict'. It said that this parliament 'supports justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike'. It said—and this was backed up by the foreign minister yesterday—that the House 'reiterates Australia's consistent position in all contexts is to call for the protection of civilian lives'.


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