House debates

Tuesday, 14 November 2023


Carr, Mrs Helena

3:18 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I spoke to the Prime Minister earlier today in relation to his desire to seek leave on this matter, and, of course, we granted it, for many reasons. Firstly, out of respect for the Prime Minister and his relationship with Helena and Bob Carr. Listening to the Prime Minister, his pain that he wasn't able to be there today was obvious. He worked with the Carr family very closely as part of the staff, and as part of the broader family, effectively. So we send our condolences to you, Prime Minister, and, more importantly, to Bob Carr, who has been a servant of the Labor Party for many decades, a servant of this parliament and a great representative for our country, not just as Premier of New South Wales but in his time as a senator and as the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The sudden passing of Helena came as a shock to all because she was such a vibrant character. But, as the Prime Minister rightly points out, she was a conscript in this business. All of us have stuck our hands up and we're here as elected members of parliament. She wasn't in that category. She was a conscript, but a very loyal one—a loyal one to Bob, always being by his side and supporting him in the decisions that he made during the course of his public life, but also in his private life. And, as we know, if we're being honest, none of us can truly contribute to full effect in this place if we don't have that support of the people who love us most.

Bob Carr deserves our recognition today for the pain and grief that he and his family are going through. We extend our condolences to him and to the broader Labor Party on the loss of Helena—a life well lived; a lady of great grace; and a great contributor, in her own right, to the Labor Party, to the state of New South Wales and to our great country.


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