House debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Constituency Statements

Australia: Bushfires

9:51 am

Photo of Tracey RobertsTracey Roberts (Pearce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

We are fast approaching our summer months with elevated temperatures predicted along with the very real possibility of an extended bushfire season. Sadly, communities around the country have already experienced the devastating loss of lives and many homes have been destroyed due to bushfires. It is very important to be bushfire ready, and I am urging everyone, not only in my electorate of Pearce but Australia-wide, to start preparing if they have not already done so. It is not too late.

Simple steps to follow: know the fire danger ratings and the Australian warning system, which is three levels: advice, watch and act, and emergency. 'Advice' means an incident has started. There is no immediate danger, but it's wise to stay up-to-date in case the situation changes. 'Watch and act' means there is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start acting now to protect you and your family. 'Emergency' is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to act immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.

There are some basic tasks to undertake now to prepare your home. Cleaning out your gutters, clearing or reducing vegetation around your house and being aware of the circumstances. Prepare a plan for what you would do if a fire starts near your home, and do not forget your pets or your animals on your property. Have an emergency kit prepared as this means there is less stress if a bushfire hits, as you may need to leave your home, your local town or your local service area at short notice. Know who to ring: your primary source for the facts should be your first call for information. In WA that is the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

In Pearce, we are fortunate to have four committed and dedicated volunteer bushfire brigades: the Wanneroo Central brigade, the Quinns Rocks brigade and the Two Rocks brigade. We also have the Wanneroo Volunteer Fire Support Brigade that provides operational supports in the forms of communications and logistics at emergency incidents. These brigades have helped to keep us safe over the years, and I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the hardworking volunteers for their commitment and for the work they undertake on behalf of the community. It has not been unnoticed and it is very much appreciated.

I am aware that over the past year some of our local firefighters have been deployed overseas. Their experience, their knowledge and their wisdom have helped contain wild bushfires that have raged in the Northern Hemisphere's scorching summer months, and their efforts are to be commended. All who work to prevent loss of life and property in often extreme conditions are absolutely our real heroes.

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has a legislated responsibility to protect people and communities from the impact of bushfire and to apply planned fire as a management tool to maintain and enhance the natural environment. I believe we can learn a lot about our native ecosystems by listening to and working with our local First Nations people who have expertise in this area and have managed safe burns throughout the ages. This is a message to get bushfire ready and to support those who support you, and a huge thank you to them. (Time expired)


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