House debates

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Questions without Notice

Immigration Detention

3:06 pm

Photo of Andrew GilesAndrew Giles (Scullin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Sturt for his question. I say once more that the safety of communities across this country remains our priority. That is why, prior to the decision, senior ABF officials briefed all local, state and territory police counterparts on the possible implications of the case. Immediately following the High Court decision, which of course we are obliged to comply with, I say again, the AFP Commissioner briefed those police commissioners on the outcome, including the expected number of individuals required to be released. We went on to establish Operation AEGIS, which is managing the overall response of federal agencies and territory police.

As I've said on many occasions, we imposed the strictest possible visa conditions on those individuals, and today we introduced legislation which I hope the member for Sturt will support, in any form it comes back in, so that we can ensure community safety.


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