House debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Statements on Indulgence

Dodson, Senator Patrick

3:40 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

on indulgence—I join with the Prime Minister in his heartfelt words of respect, prayer and thought for Senator Pat Dodson, who is obviously going through a very difficult health battle at the moment. We send our love to his family and to those who are closest to him. We pay respect to the contribution that he's made to the Senate and the contribution that he's made over many decades, as the Prime Minister rightly points out, to many Australians, particularly those of Indigenous heritage. He's a person who is genuine and absolute in his desire to see a better outcome for Indigenous Australians, and in many ways, wearing many hats, he's been able to deliver that. He should be rightly proud of the contribution that he's made to our nation. He's provided an inspiration to generations of young Indigenous people and provided support to their own advancement through their careers. It is a difficult battle—there's no question about that—and I hope that he hears our words of support for him in the pain that he is suffering at the moment and that his family and those who love him most are experiencing as well. We thank him for his service in the Senate and wish him all the very best for the future.


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