House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Questions without Notice


2:49 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I'm sure when he took that question to tactics, Senator McKim and Senator Faruqi, with her developments, were very upset with that question. But it goes to a policy question, in that I noticed that the Greens political party, having held up funding for public housing last year, now want to hold up funding to support Help to Buy for renters to get into home ownership. That's what they say they will do. I'll give the member a big tip, which is that it stands on its own and on its merits. The idea that there will be a discussion with that sort of juvenile approach that we've seen from those opposite will not occur. This is not a student council; this is a parliament. It's a parliament that has a responsibility to look after the people who put us here, not to grandstand. The key to that is supply. On supply, for example, our Social Housing Accelerator is developing around 1,500 in New South Wales, 769 in Victoria, 600 in WA, 600 in Queensland, 230 in South Australia and 110 in Tasmania. The $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund will build 30,000 homes, something that those opposite held up.


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