House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Questions without Notice


2:49 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I did mention the Greens senators, who benefit from these programs, as well as the Greens members sitting next to the honourable member up there.

We have a comprehensive plan. When it comes to renters, we had the largest increase in rental assistance in 30 years. But the key, of course, is supply. Maybe you could have a word to the member for Brisbane, who is currently running a campaign against a plan by the Catholic archdiocese to develop church land into a retirement village for older people in his electorate. The member claims the proposal is too tall, would lead to a loss of neighbourhood character, and—wait for this—there might be visitors to the aged-care facility who increase local congestion! This includes 68 new three-bedroom dwellings and a four-storey retirement or residential-care facility. The applicant predicts the Sacred Heart site will generate between 90 and 85 active and public transport trips.

Those opposite in the Greens political party have never seen a new home being built that they supported. The key to this is supply. (Time expired)


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