House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

Page Electorate: Grafton Girl Guides

4:08 pm

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I'd like to acknowledge and congratulate members of the Grafton Girl Guides, who are celebrating their 100th birthday on 26 February. Beginning in 1924, the Grafton Girl Guides comprised two units; by 1930, there were five units, 30 guides and a district commissioner who'd started a ranger company in Grafton. During these years, the guides saved up enough money to build the guide hall on Prince Street in Grafton and open it in 1935.

The current leaders and district management team have attended camps both nationally and internationally. There are a total of 30 active youth guides, 10 adult members and an active district management team spread across three units, still in the Prince Street guide hall.

I'd like to mention and thank the district management team, including Chair Heidi Newcombe, Secretary Judy Knox, Treasurer Lucy Gersekowski, and Cynthia Corcoran and Val Hayward, and, additionally, Junior Guides and Girl Guides Kirsty Child, Emily Skarrot, Montanna Teare, Amanda Collett, Rhiannon Saunders, Kymeeka McPhail-Thompson and Tyeanna Ellis. Congratulations and happy 100th birthday!


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