House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

4:18 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yesterday was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the amazing women and girls leading the way in science within my electorate of Chisholm. I'm so fortunate that, in addition to being the home of the Monash and Deakin universities, my electorate is also the home of some outstanding and nation-leading science organisations, such as the CSIRO, and the Australian Synchrotron.

Chisholm is home to thousands of women and girls who live in my electorate and who are either employed in science at places like the Monash Technology Precinct or are currently studying science at one of our world-class universities. We know that gender diversity in science fosters innovation, creativity and breakthrough discoveries, yet women and girls continue to face barriers such as gender bias, unequal opportunities and societal stereotypes. It's so important that Australia as a nation supports our women and girls in following their passion for science. I am proud to represent a Labor government that will always seek to elevate them, and I'm proud to represent so many outstanding scientists in my electorate of Chisholm.


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