House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

Capricornia Electorate: Health Care

4:20 pm

Photo of Michelle LandryMichelle Landry (Capricornia, National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) Share this | Hansard source

Today I shed light on a pressing matter affecting the resilient residents of Central Queensland, particularly those bravely facing the battle against cancer. It pains me to share that, despite the readiness of a PET/CT scanner for installation at Rockhampton Hospital, residents within the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service catchment area are required to endure the six-hour round journey to Mackay or Bundaberg for crucial PET/CT scans. Yet a solution is within reach, as the CQ radiology PET/CT machine has been ordered, ready for installation. This development could potentially alleviate the heavy burden on patients, sparing them the need to travel great distances for these essential scans.

I share with you my frustration at the apparent inaction of Queensland Health to approve this vital piece of medical equipment. This delay not only strains other hospitals providing imaging services but also places an increased financial burden on patients forced to travel to other cities. Equally concerning is the toll it takes on the physical and emotional wellbeing of those fighting cancer.

The residents of Central Queensland deserve better. It is disheartening that, even with the member for Keppel being Labor's Assistant Minister for Health and Regional Health Infrastructure, there has been silence in advocating for the approval of this vital PET/CT machine. Time and time again our region's left behind by Labor and we are forced to drag them kicking and screaming to provide essential services for our community. Swift action must be taken to ensure that essential health services are no longer delayed and denied. (Time expired)


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