House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

Flinders Electorate: Australia Day

4:35 pm

Photo of Zoe McKenzieZoe McKenzie (Flinders, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

At one of the flag-raising ceremonies at my local RSL on Australia Day, I bore witness to two remarkable speeches: one by Peter Rimkevicus, senior vice president of the Sorrento RSL, which I read out at the citizenship ceremony later on that day; and a second by the RSL's welfare officer, Lea Francis, who captured the best of the Australian spirit when she said:

As the number of returned servicemen declines and their situations and mobility become more difficult, we need to provide assistance and caring to those in need.

As it is difficult to 'keep an eye' on them all, we would like to ask that if anyone knows of any specific circumstances where our care can be provided, please contact us as this is our opportunity to care for them in return for their sacrifices and contributions in allowing us all here, to have the freedom, the opportunities and the safety of a stable existence.

We have been given this gift and it is for us all to make it 'the Best Country'.

It is truly up to us, our generosity, empathy and acceptance of all.

History is past, we should without hesitation look to the future and peace of our people and love them.

We have the chance to make a difference and we can all do it, without sacrifice.

Australia, perhaps there's some reason that we are an island far away—that has given us a chance.

Many of our ancestors travelled across the seas and land in harrowing conditions, they left most of their families and friends behind and faraway places and took that chance, that adventure with very little certainty of where it would lead.

They had plenty of hope and determination—that is now our backbone.

Well said, Lea.


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