House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

Palliative Care

1:38 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Recently I received correspondence from a constituent named Debbie, who explained her experience with palliative care services on the Central Coast following her husband's diagnosis of lung cancer. I would like to read some of her email in the chamber today. She wrote:

It's not until the situation arises when you have a loved one affected by terminal illness that you even think about the existence of such a service and just how important the need for their assistance becomes when that situation arises.

My lovely partner Gary had been a little unwell for some months with a persistent cough. He was proud of his good health for his 79 years of age, and almost never needed medical assistance. He dismissed the cough as postnasal drip and allergies and perhaps a result of a bout of covid earlier in the year.

He eventually visited the GP, who arranged for the appropriate tests and scans to be completed and the results ready to take to the specialist.

The specialist arranged a bronchoscopy and sadly Gary was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.

The situation was serious, and the oncologist confirmed that Gary's illness had progressed to the point where he wasn't a candidate for intervention. He had already decided he didn't want treatment anyway.

Our GP provided a referral to the Palliative Care Team.

I'm so very grateful for the service, but more specifically the skill and dedication of the staff, nurses and doctors, social workers, and counsellors. They guided us through a horrendous time in our lives with kindness, understanding and love.


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