House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Private Members' Business


5:11 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

It is our duty, as a free and democratic society, to call out illegal and immoral actions such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which commenced two years ago this month. It is also our responsibility to support the Ukrainian people throughout their fight for freedom and sovereignty. That's why Australia is providing ongoing financial and direct military support, including a $50 million contribution to the International Fund for Ukraine just two weeks ago. This grant takes our overall contribution to the Ukrainian fight to just shy of a billion dollars.

However, Australia's contribution to this fight is not simply about dollar figures or token contributions. It is about providing effective support to the Ukrainian armed forces and, importantly, to Ukrainian people. We cannot simply throw old, discarded equipment at this conflict. Instead, we must provide appropriate and effective military equipment that can act as force multipliers for the Ukrainian armed forces on the ground. The MRH-90 Taipans, to which the member for Berowra has referred, have been managed as a project of concern since 2011. They have been subject to extensive disassembly, and no aircraft are currently in flying condition. The last thing we want is for our support to cause further harm or be a force degrader, sapping up important time and resources to be maintained.

That is why our government made the decision to not provide Taipan helicopters to Ukraine. Ensuring that our support is both practical and useful is essential and that will continue to be at the heart of all decisions we make about support for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. That's why we have donated Australian assets, such as Bushmasters and M113s, which are making a practical difference and are saving lives on the ground in Ukraine. Australia's E-7A Wedgetail aircraft is providing support in Germany to protect the international gateway of military and humanitarian support into Ukraine. It is also why our government is proud to contribute to the multinational effort to train Ukrainian infantry through Operation Kudu. Australian defence personnel are in the United Kingdom on an extended and expanded mission to share knowledge and provide training to Ukrainian soldiers to ensure that they are best equipped in the fight against the Russian invasion. Our support to Ukraine, however, is not limited to military assistance. We have also provided $75 million in value for humanitarian assistance to support the Ukrainian people through this extraordinarily challenging and dangerous time. This funding provides support for basic necessities like food, water and shelter.

The Albanese Labor government is committed to providing material and financial support that will better equip the Ukrainian armed forces in their fight. Sadly, those opposite are more interested in politicising a serious international issue than in supporting our efforts. In fact, the difference in approach between the Albanese Labor government and the Liberals opposite towards defence more generally could not be starker. While they viewed national security and defence policy as an opportunity for a media release, we understand the importance of developing and implementing a sound defence strategy for the long term. That's why this government commissioned the Defence Strategic Review and is responding to its findings to better equip our military to protect Australia and its partners. Just last week, the Deputy Prime Minister announced a plan for a larger and more lethal surface combatant fleet for the Royal Australian Navy. This is just one example of how the Albanese Labor government is investing strategically in the long-term future of the Australian Defence Force.

The Albanese Labor government is committed to standing with Ukraine in their fight against Russia's illegal invasion. We remain absolutely steadfast in our support for the defence of their people, their territory and their sovereignty for as long as it takes for Ukraine to end the conflict on their own terms.


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