House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Private Members' Business

Workplace Relations

5:41 pm

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The passage of the closing loopholes legislation marked a crucial moment in the livelihoods and wellbeing of Australian workers. This landmark legislation championed by the Albanese Labor government marked a significant step forward in protecting the rights and dignities of workers across our nation. We proudly stand here today having achieved a milestone in our ongoing commitment to ensuring fairer wages, safe working conditions and job security for all Australians. As a former union delegate and organiser, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by workers in precarious employment situations. The reforms contained in this landmark legislation represent a bright future for every Australian worker.

First and foremost, let us acknowledge the significance of closing the labour hire loophole. This loophole has allowed dodgy employers to exploit workers by sidestepping established agreements and undercutting wages. By empowering the Fair Work Commission to enforce minimum standards for labour hire employees, the closing loopholes legislation sent a clear message that such practices will not be tolerated in Australia. Furthermore, the criminalisation of wage theft is a critical measure in holding accountable those who seek to unlawfully withhold wages from their employees. We have closed a gap where an employer stealing money from their employee's pay cheque is treated no less than if that employee stole from the till. No longer will employers be able to enrich themselves at the expense of hardworking Australians without facing severe consequences. The legislation will ensure that justice is served for those who have been victims of a wage theft, and will be a powerful deterrent to those considering such unethical action.

Additionally, the introduction of industrial manslaughter as a criminal offence underscores our commitment to prioritising the safety and wellbeing of workers. By imposing significant penalties for breaches of safety standards, we have taken proactive steps to prevent tragic and avoidable accidents in the workplace. Furthermore, the Albanese government has provided greater protection and stability for casual workers and gig economy workers. We have given casual workers the opportunity to transition to permanent positions, granting them access to vital benefits and security. Similarly, we have established minimum standards for gig workers, ensuring that they are not subject to dodgy practices that compromise their financial security and wellbeing.

By setting fair minimum standards for the road transport industry, we are prioritising safety and sustainability in one of our nation's most vital sectors. This measure not only protects the rights of truck drivers but also safeguards the broader community from the dangers posed by unsafe practices and inadequate standards. The passage of this government's landmark closing loopholes legislation represented a landmark achievement in our ongoing efforts to ensure safe and secure employment for all Australians. It's disheartening to note that instead the coalition has continued to choose prioritising their own interest over the wellbeing of Australian workers. Despite widespread support for measures aimed at closing loopholes and enhancing worker protections, the coalition has voted 48 times against legislation to get wages moving in this term of parliament. Their refusal to support a minimum standard for gig workers, reforms to the road transport industry and improved conditions for casual workers highlights a disturbing pattern of disregard for the rights and dignity of working Australians. This serves as a stark reminder of the importance of a Labor government in representing Australian workers.

The closing loopholes legislation is a testament to Labor's commitment to stand up for the rights and dignity of Australian workers in the face of persistent opposition and obstruction. Let us continue to strive for a future where every worker is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


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