House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Private Members' Business


11:48 am

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I am honoured to stand before you to speak in support of this motion and highlight the remarkable achievements of the Albanese Labor government in advancing education in our great nation. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister for Education Jason Clare, the government has made significant strides in creating a better and fairer education system for all Australians. The electorate of Holt is one of the youngest in the nation. Over one in every four in my electorate is under the age of 14, the highest in this country. As a representative of such a young electorate, I welcome the government's plan to revitalise our teacher workforce through the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan.

In recognising the shortage of teachers across the country, this government has taken action to attract and retain the best talent in the education sector. Through targeted investments, the Albanese government is empowering passionate individuals to pursue careers in teaching, thereby ensuring a bright future for generations to come. The plan includes funding 4,000 additional university places in education, establishing a teacher workload reduction fund to reduce burnout, improving the professional development of teachers and increasing Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships. These reforms will help teachers across the country—like my sister-in-law Christine, a primary schoolteacher in the neighbouring electorate of La Trobe.

Labor's commitment to primary and secondary education extends beyond just the people involved. We understand the space where children learn plays a crucial role in shaping student success. This is why Labor is investing over $275 million through the Schools Upgrade Fund to enhance school facilities and prioritise student safety. From improving ventilation to building outdoor learning spaces, this government is creating nurturing environments where students can thrive academically and socially.

The pandemic was tough on our kids, who spent many of their vital years of growth separated from their peers. Through initiatives such as the Student Wellbeing Boost, the government has allocated over $200 million to support mental health and resilience in schools. This funding has enabled schools to provide crucial resources and interventions to support students during these challenging times, ensuring that no child is left behind.

The government is also committed to achieving full and fair funding for all schools for the first time in a decade. Currently, no school outside of the ACT is fully funded. Students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, were being left behind under the previous coalition government's schools agreement. Under their plan, students from disadvantaged backgrounds—like many in my electorate—were found to be three times more likely to fall behind, and 86,000 students didn't meet either the basic literacy or numeracy standards. By working together with states and territories through the National School Reform Agreement the government has ensured that every child has access to high quality education.

The Albanese government has also shown an unwavering commitment to shaping the higher education system to meet the needs of the future. Yesterday marked a momentous occasion for the future of Australian higher education, with the release of the Australian Universities Accord final report by Minister Clare. The release of the report will pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable higher education landscape. The Albanese Labor government's investment in education is a testament to its unwavering commitment to build a brighter future for all Australians. Through bold initiatives and collaborative efforts, we are creating a better and fairer education system that empowers every individual to reach their full potential. As we continue to build an education system designed for the 21st century, let us reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that education remains the cornerstone of our nation's prosperity.


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