House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Private Members' Business


11:58 am

Photo of Alicia PayneAlicia Payne (Canberra, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm proud to rise to speak on this important motion brought before the House today by my colleague the member for Robertson. The motion acknowledges the strong commitment of the Albanese Labor government, led by the Minister for Education, to a fair and equitable education system from early childhood education right through to the tertiary sector. This motion comes to the House at a very timely moment, as last week we saw the handing down of the final report of the Australian Universities Accord Panel.

I want to congratulate the panel on their work, which lays out a comprehensive and detailed path to get our university sector back on track after a decade of coalition neglect. It outlines how the sector can better serve our nation, its staff and, most importantly, its students. It shows us how we can increase equity when it comes to higher education access for disadvantaged young Australians. It provides us with a vision for tertiary education long into the future. It is optimistic and it is ambitious.

The government will now consider the 47 recommendations as we create a long-term plan for reform in order to meet Australia's future skills needs. In the meantime, the government is implementing the priority actions of the accord's interim report, which delivers an additional 20 new regional universities study hubs.


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