House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice


2:14 pm

Photo of Julie CollinsJulie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source

I doubt if the one minute left is going to be enough time for me to talk about all the things we're doing in housing. There's the $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator. The money is with the states. We are announcing homes right across Australia from that money already. There will be 4,000 new social homes over the next few years in partnership with the states and territories.

Just last week, I was in Perth with the Prime Minister, the WA Premier and the housing minister of Western Australia, where we announced another 219 apartments for Australians that need them. This is the sort of thing that we can fund through the Housing Infrastructure Facility. We have already unlocked $575 million and are putting another $1 billion into this facility. We have already supported 4,937 new homes since we came to office through Housing Australia, and we look forward to doing more. As I said, the announcement in Perth was just one of many that we have made and will continue to make because we are getting homes off the ground, whether they be in Western Australia or Victoria. Of course, 2,500 homes were announced last time I was in Victoria. We know we need to add to supply right across the country and we are getting on with the job of providing more homes for all Australians that need them.


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