House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice

Gambling Advertising

2:52 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Goldstein for her question and join with her in honouring the late member for Dunkley. Peta Murphy is sadly missed by not just people in the parliament across the spectrum, but certainly by people in her electorate. She had so much more to offer, and I say to Rod and to her family that I know that the passing of time has not dulled the grief that they are feeling. I was there again yesterday, and people are really doing it tough to lose someone aged just 50. The member for Dunkley made an outstanding contribution in her too-short time in this parliament and we recognise the work she did leading an inquiry into online gambling harm and we're indebted to her for her contribution on what is a critical issue.

We have done substantial work already. We've launched BetStop the national self-exclusion register, through which 18,000 Australians have self-excluded from online wagering and promotions. I table the media release from the Minister for Communications. That has been achieved in just six months. We've mandated customer pre-verification for all new online wagering accounts to prevent children from gambling and strengthen protections for Australians. We've agreed with states and territories on new minimum classifications for video games with gambling-like content. We've implemented new evidence based taglines to replace—


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