House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice

Gambling Advertising

2:52 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I say, with respect, to the member that I'm talking about things that are being done right now, not the past—things that we are doing as a government to take action, consistent with what the member for Dunkley asked us to do. We have required online wagering companies to send their customers monthly activity statements outlining wins and losses. We legislated a ban on the use of credit cards for gambling last year, and this will come into effect mid this year and will make a real difference. In addition to that, the Minister for Communications and the Minister for Social Services are working diligently through all 31 recommendations contained in the report chaired by the member for Dunkley.

The government are undertaking relevant consultations, as you would expect us to do, with all stakeholders, including harm reduction advocates and industry. I myself have met with people like Tim Costello about these issues, and we're working through them to make sure that any action doesn't have unintended consequences, because that's what good governments do. The government have been working hard on a comprehensive approach to tackling gambling harm because that's what we're committed to doing.


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