House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Questions without Notice


3:06 pm

Photo of Allegra SpenderAllegra Spender (Wentworth, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

My question is for the Minister for Education. Last May, the crossbench wrote to you with concerns about indexation of HECS and HELP loans, which are now over seven per cent. HECS indexation has risen faster than the average home loan and will cost the average 20- to 29-year-old more than $2,000 extra this year. Last year, we asked you to change the way the loans were indexed and to link them to a lower rate or to wage price index. Yesterday, the Universities Accord recommended the same thing. When will the government change the way HECS and HELP loans are indexed and calculated, and provide real financial support to young people who are going backwards?


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