House debates

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Statements by Members

Dunkley By-Election

1:42 pm

Photo of Mary DoyleMary Doyle (Aston, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This Saturday, voters in the electorate of Dunkley have an important choice at the ballot box. Dunkley is an electorate made up of mortgage holders, rent payers and working-class Australians. These are decent and hardworking people who make Australia and these are the people who will benefit the most when it comes to Labor's tax cuts. The Albanese Labor government has committed time and time again to supporting those who helped build this country and who contribute so much to the economy. We have introduced measures to help communities, including cheaper child care for those with little kids, cheaper medicines, electricity bill relief, increased rent assistance, more Medicare bulk billing, fee-free TAFE, building more affordable homes, expanding paid parental leave and getting wages moving again. Labor's tax cuts will make a real difference for the 13.6 million taxpayers across this country who will receive them, which is 2.9 million more than who would benefited from Scott Morrison's plan from five years ago.

I know that voters in Dunkley this weekend have a choice between a local candidate Jodie Belyea who supports billions in targeted relief and a Liberal mayor who has only increased the pressures on families, with massive local government rate hikes in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. Do the good people in Dunkley want to give their vote to a party who will rip up Medicare, that votes against wage growth and who has said no to our plan, at every step of the way, to help Australians? The choice is that simple. A vote for Julie Belyea is a vote for a local voice committed to helping the community of Dunkley. (Time expired)


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