House debates

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Statements by Members

Prime Minister

1:54 pm

Photo of Keith PittKeith Pitt (Hinkler, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

It's on. I want to give my genuine congratulations to Prime Minister Albanese and his bride-to-be. I think it's fantastic news. It will be the wedding of the year; there is no doubt about that whatsoever. We've heard in the press all week that it's about the when. It's not about the when; it's about the where, and I've got some suggestions for the Prime Minister to consider. They are fantastic locations. We know the Prime Minister spent a bit of time at Bargara, in Bundaberg, during the campaign, and surely it's because he likes the place, not because he was trying to knock over the member for Hinkler at the election.


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