House debates

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Nuclear Waste Management

2:33 pm

Photo of Ed HusicEd Husic (Chifley, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Industry and Science) Share this | Hansard source

As the Deputy Leader of the Opposition knows, this has been a long-running issue. Some of that waste is being stored on site while we wait to actually find a location to store it long term. You heralded in the last parliament a proposed solution about how this would all work out, and then the courts found that that was all unworkable and all stuffed up—all as a result of those opposite. ANSTO has informed me that they are quite able to store those low levels of radioactive waste in the short term while a longer-term answer is found. We would certainly welcome—but we're not holding our breaths—a bipartisan response or approach to that. But in the absence of that, we will get the job done.


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