House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Regional Australia: Cost of Living

4:21 pm

Photo of Marion ScrymgourMarion Scrymgour (Lingiari, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I want to talk about some critical issues in my electorate of Lingiari. The member for Barker stands up here and talks about his electorate, and I think people on that side think that they're the only ones who represent regional Australia, when there are many of us on this side who represent regional Australia. I'm proud to represent not only regional areas of the Northern Territory but also very remote areas of the Northern Territory, which you people failed over a decade. Over a decade, you failed to put any investment into the Northern Territory. I am proud to be on this side, which, when we look at energy bills, is making sure that 49,000 householders in the Northern Territory will be eligible for a rebate on their energy bills come 1 July.

We have also looked after aged-care workers. In the Northern Territory, if you believed the people on the other side, particularly Oscar the Grouch, you'd look at the aged-care workers that the Albanese government has—


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