House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024


Treaties Joint Committee; Report

4:30 pm

Photo of Phillip ThompsonPhillip Thompson (Herbert, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

by leave—I wish to make a short but meaningful statement in connection with the report. It's extremely important that the postal system operates seamlessly internationally. When you send a letter or parcel from Australia overseas, you should have assurance that the postal system in the receiving country will get it where it needs to be. At its core, enabling the process and cooperation between countries is what the Universal Postal Union is about, setting rules and standards for the exchange of international mail between member states, of which there are 192. It's why Australia has taken a leading role in engaging with the UPU seriously over a long period of time. The treaty action in question ensures our ongoing commitment with the UPU, clarifies our obligations and removes ambiguity.

I think what's most important to highlight is the role we have in supporting Pacific island countries. Pacific island countries now have a permanent seat on the UPU council. Often, these nations can find it difficult to have their voices heard, particularly due to the expense of attendance and the fees associated with being a part of the union. It is good that pathways are being created to allow small island developing nations to manage debts and flexibility to rejoin. The committee heard that Australia Post has an important relationship with Pacific island states, sharing meeting reports and outcomes, and working with them to ensure they can advocate for their interests. We also heard about the importance of the Pacific Postal Development Partnership in helping deliver improved systems, processes, technology and training. This is a tangible way we can make a difference.

We do note the significant amount of time it took for the treaty action to come before the committee, with some of these changes coming into effect as early as 2018. I want to thank the secretariat, the chair and all the committee members for their hard work. I commend the report to the House.


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