House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024


Agriculture (Biosecurity Protection) Levies Bill 2024, Agriculture (Biosecurity Protection) Charges Bill 2024, Agriculture (Biosecurity Protection) Levies and Charges Collection Bill 2024; Second Reading

6:40 pm

Photo of Aaron VioliAaron Violi (Casey, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Firstly, I want to commend the member for O'Connor not just for his words and his tireless advocacy for his community but also for his work as the deputy chair of the agriculture committee. I'm lucky enough to serve with the member for O'Connor on that committee, making sure that we're a voice for agriculture. Last year, we completed an inquiry into food security. Unfortunately, while it was a bipartisan committee report, the government clearly didn't take the time to look at the report, because what it showed is that Australian farmers are struggling and they're under pressure. The member for O'Connor, I and anyone in the farming industry knows that. They are under significant pressure at the moment, and clearly this government didn't take the time to read that report and understand the pressure they're under.

We need to understand that, if we can't feed ourselves as a nation, what are we as a nation? If we can't feed ourselves, what are we? Let's not muck around and beat around the bush. Australian farmers are doing it as hard as they have ever done it. The pressures coming at them from the left, right and centre are harder than ever. The Prime Minister can stand up and do a little bit of a showpiece about the ACCC and about the Coles and Woolworths duopoly—and there's no doubt that that's putting pressure on farmers across the country—but let's be serious and realistic. The constraints on inputs and the pressures on them is crucifying them as well.

I'm proud to represent the community of Casey, which has a strong history in agriculture. My family made their way in this country when they came in 1952 from Italy and started a farm in Silvan in my electorate. I know the member for O'Connor was a farmer. The member for Riverina is a great journalist, but I'm not sure—


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