House debates

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Questions without Notice


3:14 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

and those Australians who will benefit from the Housing Australia Future Fund, which those opposite were completely horrified by and voted against. Of course, when it comes to the population of Australia, as the Population statement said last December, for 2031 the expected population is 600,000 below what was projected prior to the onset of the pandemic in 2019-20. We of course note the comments of the Leader of the Opposition, who said in September 2022: 'We do need an increase in the migration numbers. It's clear that the number needs to be higher.' That's what he had to say. A month later, he said: 'We need migration. We need migration'—just to really emphasise it. In his first budget reply, he boasted: 'I brought in record numbers of people, from India, China and many other countries.' The Deputy Leader of the Opposition has said, 'We know that urgently business needs a workforce, and much of that workforce needs to come from overseas.' The shadow minister, sitting next to him there, said, 'We need to get our international students back.' The hypocrisy— (Time expired)


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