House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024


Middle East

12:09 pm

Photo of Tim WattsTim Watts (Gellibrand, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

in response to very grave allegations of involvement of UNRWA staff members in the 7 October terrorist attacks. We acted in response to UNRWA's actions of dismissing staff who were alleged to have been involved in that, initiating review processes. None of that should take away from the fact that, of that $52.5 million provided for humanitarian assistance in this conflict, only $6 million was suspended in response to grave threats. The member for Griffith giggles, snorts and chortles, but those are the facts. There was $46 million provided for humanitarian support, which he, for his own partisan, political purposes, pretends didn't happen. If he had any integrity, he would stand up in this place and withdraw the false claim that he made in the moving of this suspension. He won't withdraw, though, because deliberately inflammatory claims like that, which are misinformation and not based on the facts, are part of his political campaign. He sees votes on this issue. The Australian government sees a terrible humanitarian crisis. We see a conflict in the Middle East


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