House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice


2:28 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I understand the embarrassment of the Leader of the Opposition, because he asked a question about energy prices, and they voted against energy price relief. They voted against it. We brought to this parliament a $3 billion plan that was endorsed. I sat down and negotiated it with the Liberal Premier of New South Wales,. Dominic Perrottet, and the Liberal Premier of Tasmania, Jeremy Rockliff, as well. Every premier and chief minister supported the energy price relief plan. Those opposite voted for higher prices, and now they think the solution is the most expensive form of new energy.

The Leader of the Opposition said that there were just four little outstanding issues with regard to announcing the detail of nuclear: safety, disposal cost and location. Apart from that, it's all fixed. But the shadow minister's come up with some other beauties as well. His three issues are technical feasibility, financial feasibility and community acceptability. Apart from that, it's all sweet. He can't find a single member who wants one of these nuclear reactors in their— (Time expired)

Government members interjecting


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