House debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice


3:02 pm

Photo of Ed HusicEd Husic (Chifley, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Industry and Science) Share this | Hansard source

Thanks to the member for Aston for her question and her ongoing interest in this area. Ours is a government that's focusing on what matters to all Australians: getting a secure, well-paid job; being able to earn more and keep more of what you earn; and being able to secure your own affordable, good-quality home. Our government backs those aspirations through a future made in Australia—growing our industrial muscle, putting Australian knowhow to work, creating new jobs and making more things here. A great example of that is in the area of prefabricated, more modular homes, which rely on advanced manufacturing techniques to help construct a home offsite, cutting construction time from a year down to just 12 weeks, delivering high-quality homes, cutting costs and creating jobs—and it can help play a part in reaching our target of building 1.2 million new homes over five years. To make it easier to do this, at Friday's Building Ministers Meeting all levels of government agreed to see how we could cut red tape to help build more of these homes quicker and more affordably. As an aside, the Albanese government's tax cuts will mean a joiner in the construction industry on $85,000 a year is going to be $1,800 better off. Whether they're putting together prefab homes in a factory or installing them onsite, Labor's tax cuts are delivering for blue-collar workers.

I'm asked about whether or not there are different views. There are a lot on that side—always negative, always nasty, all the time. But they're celebrating an anniversary today; it was 10 years ago today when the coalition brought in the idea of knights and dames. As absurd as Monty Python's knights who say 'ni', it's the knights and dames who say 'no'!


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